Turn your pain into potential.

Balanced Body Reflections
encourages women to shift the way they view their pain
from something to avoid, deny, hide, numb, or get out of,
to something to use.

Want to join the movement?

Pain is never meaningless. God always has a purpose.

Romans 8:28

There are approx. 30 million 50+ aged women in America today.

Many are facing:

  • Significant Loss or Trauma

  • Effects of Aging

  • Emotional & Mental Struggles

  • Multiple Care-taking Roles

  • Career Changes

  • Financial Hardship

  • Loneliness

  • Lack or Wavering of Faith

    Pain is unavoidable, but peace is available. 

Join the movement


Reestablish fellowship, faith, & the
freedom to be who God created you to be.

Facing Pain, Finding Peace


Reclaim & Reconcile hearts to God for He made everything with a place and purpose.

Facing Pain, Finding Purpose


Restore & Recharge your power to Rise UP and fulfill God's Plan.

Facing Pain, Finding Power

Welcome! It is great to meet you, I’m Stacey.

20 years ago,
I experienced pain like never before…

The room was dark with only the familiar humming sound of the fan. With my eyes wide open,
my body felt like it was sinking into the bed, the darkness caving in on me.

My mind and heart were seized by grief; my body, holding the immense pain and suffering from my mom’s death,
like an emotional pressure cooker ready to explode.

The pain of her loss could be felt so deep inside of me. I felt its sting as these words made their way through my mind:

I don’t know if I can go on.
I just want to be with her.
No one would miss me.
How can I go on without her?
Will this pain ever end?

The sudden, abrupt sound of my husband’s snoring startled me—bringing me back to what was real and true;
life was present in the darkness.

 Both the painful loss and life were present in the darkness.
The darkness presented an opportunity to turn my pain into gain. 

It was time to face the pain.

As I sat in the middle of the floor, I could feel the emotions rising.  
I turned my attention to the individual tears that were getting ready to fall.
There were some that welled, rolled, hung, and dropped.
My tears became my teachers, each sharing their own piece of the pain.
I was ready and willing to listen, feel, and experience the pain as it was released,

I remembered asking, “Death, what do you want from me?”
I want you to be Stacey, just BE.

As I experienced the tears, my body began to feel lighter, open, and free.

There was peace in my pain.

Three Intentional Ways to Engage With Us

1. Become God-Ready.

Preparing hearts, individually and collectively, to depend fully on God, moving out of performance and into His presence.

2. Become God-Expectant.

Intentionally set your heart and mind on things above, knowing that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

3. Become God-Confident.

Train and condition your heart, mind, and body to be Spiritually FIT & Physically Strong, making His will your will, His way your way, and His plan your plan. 

Image of heart drawn in the sand at the ocean's edge

At Balanced Body Reflections we know that you want to be set free of pain.

To do that, you need to find the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. The problem is that you are facing so much pain which makes you feel like you have lost your sense of purpose, direction, confidence, and identity of who you are.

We believe that pain is a complex process to endure, not a simple problem to solve. We understand that you are struggling and that your heart is hurting, which is why we invite you to join the Heart-o-lution, the intentional movement that will help you become the woman God created you to be.

Here's how we do it:

  1. ❤️-Connection: Facing Pain, Finding Peace

  2. ❤️-Care: Facing Pain, Finding Purpose

  3. ❤️-Conditioning: Facing Pain, Finding Power

So, if you want to be set free,
join the Heart-o-lution.

Stop wasting, avoiding, denying, or numbing your pain and instead USE IT to maximize your potential and fulfill God’s Plan.